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Improve fuel order dispatch to maximize margins 

The difference between a streamlined dispatch operation and one that’s not running smoothly can be the difference between profitability and losing money on the bulk of your loads. If you’ve invested time and money into state of the art Fuel Automation software, but your dispatch department and/or carriers aren’t following through, you’re not getting your money’s worth. 

Download this free webinar and in just 60 minutes, discover typical dispatch challenges and 4 areas to focus your efforts, including:

  1. Calls to Action: Understand the different ways an order can be initiated and how to automate this process.
  2. Integration of Best Buy: Learn how to automatically calculate the best sourcing options to eliminate costly mistakes and maximize your margins.
  3. Volumes: Discover why having a centralized database or dashboard where you can view all of your allocations and contracts in one place is essential. 
  4. Communication: Learn how to use technology to facilitate real-time two-way communication between your dispatch team and the driver/carrier. 

Download this information-packed, free webinar featuring actionable tips for streamlining your fuel business.

Free Bonus!

You'll also receive a free System Performance Evaluation & Tune Up Report. Sit down one on one with an Axxis fuel management expert for an analysis of your current fuel operations, along with customized recommendations to help streamline your fuel order dispatch process.

Meet the Presenter:

Art King, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Axxis Software

Art King

 Art brings over 35 years of industry and high tech experience, including a unique blend of enterprise software, business management, sales and operations expertise. Prior to joining Axxis, Art was the VP of Sales & Marketing at Slingshot, an ecommerce supply chain management software company, as well as VP of Marketing for the Cedar Group, a UK-based publicly traded enterprise software and solutions provider.


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Axxis fuel management software solutions give you the power to react to market changes in real-time, maximize margins, save time and increase customer satisfaction. Source, buy, sell, dispatch, reconcile and bill more efficiently, reduce manual processes, deliver more quotes faster and accurately match and process a variety of fuel transactional documents.